Monday, November 26, 2007


how do i feel
when i cannot feel
myself fleeing
into the dreams?
how would i tell
my emotions
from the God-touch,
the sacred ray
of my soul?
it's not as if
they are oceans
i can swim across
and at the same time,
it's impossible
leaving my continent
to enter Yours
when You are the only Owner
of the universe.

there it is!
the answer was a lost verse

and i felt it when i watched
myself melt into water,
no longer afraid, no
longer attached
to the need
to find land again.
my prayers are just these drops
of water that my spirit
knows by name. i would fall
like the sun on the horizon
just to lift myself up
and exhale You,
Guiding Light,
Star-kissed Night,
flame of my soul,
we feel you now.


Anonymous said...

Stunning and beautiful! May we all find that lost verse and never fear the swimming out where land is not visible.

Ya Haqq!

S.L. Corsua said...

it's impossible
leaving my continent
to enter Yours
when You are the only Owner
of the universe

Lines that linger. Recognition, respect, acceptance... all in those five lines. Thank you.


My Heart said...

irving and soulless,

i never know if my poems make sense, but i'm grateful to have readers who take the time to read what i write.

blessings to both of you.