Wednesday, October 17, 2007


(I wrote this September 22; it's sort of halfway between poem and lyrics, but it helps me feel comforted by the newly felt presence of God in my life)

He meets me here
in my one step forward,
wipes away my tears,
tells me i have found my Lord.

i fill my heart with Him,
i cry out to Allah
before the day begins
and again under the stars.

the rain is my reminder
that i must wash my sins
and all day i must yearn
to be worthy of Him.

the sky did not turn blue
without His permission.
the world does not turn
unless under his direction.

Allah, my Allah,
may i be worthy of Your Love.
My Allah, Ya Allah,
may i be granted Your Compassion.

My Allah, i have no words
for the way You fill my heart
with desire to be pure
and praise You forever.

Let Your Will be my will,
let my humility be pleasing.
as i journey valleys and hills,
may my soul never cease

reaching toward You.
let my journey be worthy
lead me to You, Ya Wadood.
Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim.

(last revised Sept. 22)


Anonymous said...

You lovely poem brings tears to my heart, dear Sister. It is filled with love and humility and gratitude and longing. May we all be worthy of His love. La illa ha illAllah!

Ya Haqq!

Leila said...

Allah bless you and answered to your doas! Simply beautiful.....