Monday, February 11, 2008


her voice like
her guitar was
out of tune
so she turned
the notes
to shades of gray
and the sky bloomed
songs like drums
and thunder.

faith played
a holy song
through her.
she gave God
her music,
but still
as any other
love song for Him.
she knew nothing
about lyrics,
only that the universe
seeks those willing to sing.


Anonymous said...

A gem of beauty and love :)
May the universe rejoice in your song Dear Sister :) It is a blessing that you share it with those of us who are your rapt audience.

Ya Haqq!

S.L. Corsua said...

The last two lines I shall keep with me as a reminder of why I should move, move on, move along with changes around me. Thank you.

My Heart said...

thank you to both of you. it means the world that people take the time to read my poem. i am so grateful to God that i live in a time where we can all be with each other via blogging.

may you be blessed with peace and Love.

WH said...

Your work is very accomplished. You have a real gift for sparse imagery and compression of idea while writing lines that flow easily. Very nice work.