Thursday, March 15, 2007


today i will learn
not to promise,
but to bless
in all my words
i will aim
to speak
only truth
and to gain
as i know
there are gifts
offered by silence.
in my heart
i will yearn
to dance in the rain,
to dissolve blame,
to kiss the face
of my most ugly self
until she becomes
someone i can love.

(last revised 3/15/07)


Anonymous said...

Sweet and tender poem :) Loving yourself is the first step on the path of Love.

Ya Haqq!

Sanjida Shaheed said...

This has been something I needed to learn as well. To be kind and patient with myself. Self-love is something I am yet to master completely. Your poem is a beautiful reminder. ma shaa Allah.

I found your blog only very recently. It looks like you haven't updated in a while. If you do drop by, please consider writing me. I would love to meet you.